Okay, the long period of silence will be finally broken! Yeah, I have been quit for a while but that is because there has happened a lot the last few weeks. Being busy makes it hard to write stories right? My last post was on the third of October. That is actually almost a month ago… well the most important events are Moniek visiting China en traveling around with her trough China and Xi’an. There is so much to tell that I think I will split the posts. Let’s start at the beginning!
Moniek arrived here in Xiamen on the 13 of October around 11 o’clock. I picked her up with a small headache from the night before as we had visited bar123 and club KK to visit some new mates we made. The other Frank had to visit club KK as he was developing a relationship with a Chinese accountant. Yeah, he actually managed to get in to a relationship with quit a adult woman. Haha no it’s not that bad she is 24 but still… quit a achievement right? They now are together for about 5 weeks I guess and it looks like a real cute relationship.
It wasn’t really hard to spot Moniek at the airport although she is pretty short… a white girl kind of stands out of the crowd on the Xiamen airport. Although she had trouble finding me.. (I thought I would stand out as well.. but I guess I am developing some sort of Chinese look?) Of course she was pretty tired so we didn’t do much during the next few hours. I decided to make sure she got a proper welcome and we went to the massage salon together. Afterwards we got a bottle of wine in club YoYo and enjoyed some performances over there. We could notice that the people weren’t used to Western girls since the songs of the rapper immediately got dedicated to Moniek as we were sitting at our table minding our own business. We spend a few hours with the rapper doing some small talk and when we left Moniek received another song dedicated to her. Quite a nice introduction to China if you ask me!

The following day we wanted to visit the Shuzhuang Garden which i s located on a Island of which I can’t remember the name at the moment. Once we were on the Island we noticed that it was quite hard to get there without visiting all the other places on the Island. So we ended up not visiting the gardens but spending time on the local mountain, visiting the bird park and a private drive over the coastline. Quite a nice view to be honest, and we even found a small restaurant that served Western food. (Just to delay the bad stomach issues for Moniek ;P ) If I recall correctly we came back from the Island when we saw Sam driving around on a electric scooter. After test driving Sam scooter I got so excited that I decided to buy one myself for 70 euro! So I am currently the proud owner of a blue electric scooter with teddy bears stickers on it. You got to love the kiddy stuff around her! But it is the fastest scooter so far! In total there have been bought 4 scooters… although mine already has a flat tire. But I will make sure that gets fixed very soon for just a few euro.

To please Moniek we also spend a lot of time shopping for cheap clothes. It was so stupid of me to think that Moniek would be able to use two pair of shoes during the two and a half weeks. Girls just have to buy shoes, and keep on buying them.. she came with two pair and left with seven. It will stay a mystery for me that she actually managed to wear them all during her vacation. Not to mention all the clothes she bought… have to be at least nine new pieces. She really amazed me when she was packing her bag when she left for Holland. It actually all fitted although she had four kilo’s overweight on the luggage. While all the guys here are almost unable to buy new clothes because they are simply to big for the clothes.. Moniek actually fitted everything the moment she tried it on. It is heaven around here for the small girls.
Apart from the shopping spree we also tried to see some animals in

the Xiamen zoo. As Moniek and I both hoped to see panda beers in the Zoo we left with good spirit to the other side of town. After quit a long drive from about 40 minutes (6 euro for the taxi!) we arrived at a long and wide road. The cab driver dropped us off and pointed to some sort of building. So we guessed that was where we had to go! Well, that wasn’t the case. We were dropped at a water cleaning company.. the only animals there were flushed fish. But after using our best sign languages to the locals we were pointed out to the right direction and found the Zoo. It looked real good from the outside but once we were inside… we both were quite shocked. The animals were in real small cages and they looked real bad. There was a show given with tigers riding horses and bears riding bicycles. Sound real cute but in reality the animals looked real sad and every time they heard the sound of a stick they would crumble. The bears were pulled inside the arena by a chain that was attached to their nose which is forbidden since quite a while I believe. When the animals didn’t obey they would be slapped in the face and Moniek and I left with quite a bad feeling. After that we decided to look around a bit and we found a horse riding attraction. We decided to do it but after a 3 minute walk we were charged 700RMB! (70 euro) So we got in some trouble and finally were allowed to leave after paying 500RMB (they claimed it was so expensive because of the pictures taken) So Moniek and I felt quite screwed.

following days we visited temples and even visited the beach. Of course on her demand.. I am not really a beach boy. I rather spend my time doing something useful. But of course a nice tan is important as well, although that is a lost cause for me. Since I become red or stay white.. Moniek managed to become more tanned in two days then I did in two months! For some reason the Chinese dislike the beach. Most of them can’t even swim so we actually had the whole beach for ourselves. Don’t think that happens a lot at Busloo beach in Deventer. Before we left for Xi’an we did the usual clubbing were Moniek joint us to our favorite bar098. We had a great time and I actually met a nice girl that would transform the following weeks into a stalker. Which is now actually visiting the software park occasionally to find me.. quite creepy if you think about it. The days after that we flew to Xi'an!
I will write about the beautiful city Xi’an in my following post. We visited a lot over there including one of the world miracles named Terracotta Warriors. So stay tuned for more information on that! Now I am going to make sure that I get a nice hot shower and a good nice sleep. Since I am getting sick again.. we spend three nights in a row at the clubs this weekend and I think that broke me up at bit. Well, we got to enjoy life while we are young so a good night rest will make me fit again for next weekend!
Hugs and kisses,
(Written on Tuesday 03 November 2009 at 21:47)
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