A long time has passed since my last post. My apologize for that,but work is making us quit tired, at night we only have energy to eat, drink and watch a movie all together. Although I have only been here for two and a half week. I already managed to create an enemy… my stomach!! He kind of dislikes the hot food, the rice and having no bread all week. But I suppose it should be okay in a week or so, at least my stomach can’t be upset for any longer. I should get used to the food within a week!(I hope! ;) ) Though I must say that we finally found a small place where they serve us some sort of known food! The Chinese lady at the “Juicy bar” (that actually speaks English flawless) bakes us every now and then a sandwich with pork, egg, tomato, pickles and more! That are actually the best sandwiches I ever had! So we are regular guest at her “Juicy bar”, she also keeps us fit as she serves fresh squished juice cocktails every day!
Like I said, it has been quit a busy week. Though work went quite slow, we have the temporally website finished which can be found on http://www.checkitcenter.com. So we started off working on the final website which is a huge project. We have been analyzing the requirements this week and the website just keeps getting bigger and bigger! Rob and I also worked on the DVD project, therefore we were allowed to attend one of the biggest events China knows! We attend the CIFIT Fair 2009 which stand for China International Fair for Investment and Trade. So there were a lot of innovative products showed there! Think about real hologram equipment, projector books that turn pages if you move your hand (motion sensors) and some people (I didn’t) even saw paper with video in it! (think about Harry Potter newspapers) Looks like we have enough to look forward to in the future! Al those new products are nice to see, but of course the CHECK-IT stand on the fair was the most beautiful stand! I totally forgot to mention it before but the first day of CHECK-IT there were photo’s taken from me and Carol for some sort of poster. Well, I found out why at the fair! Ill add a picture of my first “photo shoot” thingy :P! Rob, Carol and I recorded a few video about the fair and of course about CHECK-IT. We did a interview with our CEO Vincent and Carol interviewed the Chinese coaches. So now it is my job to encode the video and do the editing! Which is actually a nice job to do! I even managed to get the RAW material encoded in two days! (I spend like two weeks in Holland on it and couldn’t get it to work properly.)
After the CIFIT fair we went back home, and of course went to our local restaurant downstairs like we do every single day so far. The food is actually pretty good, I don’t really mind eating Chinese every day (unlike my stomach). We are all getting used to it but every time we go clubbing we end up at the KFC or the McDonalds. So the only Western food we get is the healthy fast-food crap.
We are getting along with our coaches very well. They are quit young themselves so there isn’t a huge age different between them and us. I guess that is why we actually have been clubbing together for two days now. Thursday at work we heard that our coaches had a huge hangover from the night before… so naturally we got interested to their story. Turned out the Dutch delegation at the CIFIT fair went out with their group and ended up in a club at the other end of Xiamen. ( Not the clubs we ended up last time). So after a few talks we decided to go out with them Thursday night to the club (while we had to work on Friday), at the club we had a great time. Unfortunately our Chinese friends didn’t join us so it was just us and our teachers. We had a great time and ended up at home at four o’clock. So we all were a bit cranky when we showed up at work! :P

Friday was a hard working day, not only did we all have a hangover from the night before. We also had the goodbye party for one of our coaches. Francis was going back to the Netherlands so the Chinese teacher threw a (real) tea party. One of my good friends in Denmark once introduced to me a tea party but that wasn’t the real deal I guess. We had to sit down and got a show about the different kinds of tea in China. I’m not a real tea drinker but it was quit fun to see how certain tea affect your body. We actually felt pretty light headed when we got out of the room. After that we decided to go to the beach and do some freshing up before we went back. The water here is so warm! It is really unbelievable, and coming back out of the water while there is a lot of wind isn’t even cold! I wasn’t really used to that :P. So when we headed back we noticed that it was 5 o’clock so our working day was over! We went back to the apartments to get a few hours of sleep before we went clubbing with the teacher for the second time! We went to club KK which is some sort of R&B club, and unlike the day before we didn’t end up in the VIP. It was a bit harder to place a group of 20 at the small rooms at the VIP. Which was actually better, we were now next to the stage so we could dance again! The night was full of dancing and of shows with Chinese girls dressed in all the outfits you can think off. We saw sailor girls, school girls, nurses and so on! They do a great job on entertaining here but they should really work on their dance moves.
Tonight we have a BBQ at the pool café with the Chinese. We planned to go clubbing afterwards but I must say that I am pretty **** up right now and not really in the physical mood to go out another night. But hey, we shall see how I think after three glasses of wine. Ill update in three days again and let you know how the weekend and work was! So long my friends!
Huges and kisses,
(Written on: Saturday 12 September 2009 at 16:35)
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