The whole Dutch delegation had decided to fleet Xiamen due the temporally water drought. It was the perfect excuse for our supervisors to expand our cultural knowledge about China. Therefore they accompanied us to the mountain of Wuyi. In my last post I told you that we would visit Chengdu but unfortunately I was badly informed.. or perhaps I should pay more attention. (Probably the last ;D) Though we ended up somewhere different then I though, I wouldn’t want to miss it for the world! The Wuyi mountains are tough but certainly beautiful , we have spend three days walking through the mountains and rivers but I have seen things that I wish I will never forget…
Friday we arrived at Wuyi around the clock of one pm. They had booked a real nice hotel and the Campus of the Wuyi University. Which was real nice because we could live among the Chinese students unlike in Xiamen. We first headed to the University, we were welcomed by a group of twenty-five students and teachers. When we walked in the room they all started clapping and threaded us like we were some Dutch officials. ( Believe me, it is weird to be seen as someone important while in Holland you are
nothing more than a simple student.) We sat down and got an introduction about the University and all the students introduced themselves, they had only invited the students that were studying the English languages so we could communicate pretty well with them. (and it were all girls, and that was a nice change!) After that we were placed in a other room where we divided in groups to just chat and getting to know each other. They used it as a practice for the English students because they had never spoken to Western people before and now they could put their theoretical knowledge in practice. Rob and I were paired up with little Carol, Maggie, Helen and Tracy. We did a common chitchat which was quite fun, and we exchange telephone numbers so we could keep in touch.
Later on we were brought to the school garden (which is HUGE) were the whole Dutch delegation had to plant two threes because our visited was seen as a huge honor for the school. So we had to plant two threes symbolically, and now there are three’s saying CHECK-IT next to the ministers, majors and other famous people threes. (Talk about weird, right?) We payed a visited to the local IT university which was actually quite sad. Old computers and nothing that really made a impression, the only thing I really remember is the huge crowd that was following us and making pictures all the freaking time! I’m afraid I will find my own face multiple times on some sort of weird Chinese facebook. Because so far I have posed on at least 30 pictures with unknown Chinese people. Later that night we called the girls with who we had spoken at the beginning of the day, we met at night and spend more time getting to know each other by the lake. It was real fun and nice to communicate with teenager that literally understand every word you say.
The following morning I regretted drinking a few wines at the lake. We had to get up real early to go to the mountains and the short night rest and the small hangover weren’t a good help for a long day of climbing. The cab towards the mountain was a experience on its own, did you ever sit in a real life rollercoaster without having the comfort of a good seatbelt or even any safety precautions at all? Well, I did! Though I must say it found it quite fun but there were a few times that almost turned the trip in to a disaster. The driver drove like a maniac honking the horn all the time and driving with 80km per hour through small mountain roads and overtaking other drivers in the mountain turns. Not something you want to do every day, but it was a nice experience :P! The mountain were gorgeous I’ll add a few pictures taken there to my flicker account so you can all see the beauty of Wuyi. We had to overcome so many steps that is was impossible to count the amount, but we walked around there for at least 6 hours and it were all stairs. After the mountains me and a few others decided to go rafting which was quit a bummer. After we payed we heard that we couldn’t paddle ourselves and we were guided by
two non-English speaking Chinese dudes. We actually got off on the wrong foot with the rafters after we did our own adrenaline pumping ritual (think about Vikings doing a weird dance) the Chinese guy started to yell and scream and our guide told us that the guy was really afraid of us. So we had to spend a hour and half with some guy that really hated us. But after the trip we were able to swim in a gorgeous lake! I have never seen a water that clean in nature, you could see the ground while the lake was like 5 meters deep and filled with huge stones were you could climb on! I definitely define it as a small paradise, especially after we saw the waterfall later on were we ware aloud to swim as well. Nature definitely has it secret beauty spots, and that is a big thing for me to say since I am everything but a nature person! (three huggers beware!)

After this exhausting day we headed back towards the campuswere we had dinner in a small restaurant. The day before on Friday we had dinner in a restaurant where we didn’t really like the food. So today we would eat a noodle soup which couldn’t really be weird because it only contains noodles. So we though, because we received noodles soup which included cow tongues. Now, I know that some Dutch delicacies contain those as well like “frikandellen” but in those cases you can’t identify the part of the cow. This time we saw several pieces of tongues floating through the noodles soup.. as you may imagine, that wasn’t really good for my appetite. Luckily there was a rip-off KFC nearby which could fill my stomach. That night Rob, Frank, Sam and myself met up with Maggie, Helen, Carol and Tracy and spend the whole evening together at a small local bar. We actually helped them to prepare a speech for their English speech competition on which they ended in the top 5 of best students! (We heard that the following day) After the night we made plans to meet up with them again the next day and we would go to a sort of club in the City. But more on that later!
Sunday morning we felt even worst then Saturday morning. Our bodies were exhausted from the trips and we didn’t get much sleep due our nightly visits to the campus. The horrible breakfast (which is actually the hardest part to adept here in China) didn’t help on our energy level so we returned to the mountains with low energy. Luckily we were driven around on bamboo boats trough the mountains which were like a fairytale. Huge open area’s filled with water and mountain tops concealed by small clouds giving the surrounding something magical. Though I must admit after three days being in these surrounding I got a bit used to it and after an hour and a half we all dazzled away in our seats and got a bit of sleep. (Spoiled?) After the bamboo boat right we saw a few small museum that weren’t really that interesting. If you even get near Wuyi I would advise to only visit the nature surrounding because that is the most interesting. At night Rob, Frank, Sam and myself met up again with the girls and we head out into the city center. Just like the students in Xiamen they had never been to a club before and therefore were unsure to guide us to one. The first club we found had only private rooms, in order to dance we preferred a more public place so we kept looking and after a while we found a nice club which was empty. We sat down in a nice private spot close to the dance floor and ordered wine which was really cheap! The club was real nice and after a while we realized we were sitting in a special kind of club… we had seen a pole but didn’t think much of it until all of a sudden a Chinese girl in a hotpants started to dance with the pole and some guys were sitting beneath her while she was doing her thing. We are still not sure because there was only one pool but we got the idea that we ended up in a strip club though we never seen any nudity there. We had a great time though! We had to say goodbye to the girls that night because we wouldn’t see them again but we promised to stay in contact! We had a great time with them and perhaps we could fly back in a few weeks when we got another vacation. We are at least going to meet Helen again as her family lives here in Xiamen!
Monday was a quiet day, we visited another tea area and saw the most expensive tea of the world. To me as looked like a ordinary tea bush but there were a lot of Chinese really happy to see it. I don’t think it is a cultural thing though, I simply don’t care about tea! We took the airplane back at night with some delay. It was nice to see that the girls came all the way to the airport to wave us goodbye while day had said they wouldn’t. Kind of a surprise and a bit weird, they see us as really good friends and really had trouble with saying goodbye. While for us… we didn’t think to much of it as we only knew them for 2 days. But I get the feeling that spending time with people here means much more than it does in Holland. Chinese people aren’t attached to anyone but when you spend some time on them they care about you very quickly. Though we were warned for this by Gerard the Dutch advocate we met in club KK.
We had a great time in Wuyi and we actually felt like celebrities there. As the city was a bit smaller and there aren’t any foreigners around. So seeing Western people here is even more special then in Xiamen. We could walk over the streets without people taking pictures and it actually is quit fun. You can say hello to anyone and you simply made their days. I don’t know what all those celebs complain about because so far we enjoy it!
Thanks again for reading, it is a longer story than normal but of course we had a few days of to experience a lot! So more experiences more stories. This week will most likely be a bit slow since we have to work more than normal. The national vacations are on the first of October so everybody must work more know to be off during those days. Therefore we will be working the whole weekend. I really hope there is timing to go clubbing again because after Wuyi we are in need of real clubs again!
Huges and kisses,
(Written at Tuesday 22 September 2009 at 23:30)