This is my first post on blogspot. I am currently writing shit because I have to have a dummy text for my blog. You know, to see how it all looks and what I will have to change to make it look a bit better. So don't worry if you think I'm only writing down rubbish and you don't understand why.. Because I just explained that. Like you all know, or not, I will be leaving for China in 5 days from now. So it is kind of time for me to start the blog. I have been busy writing my own blog but due the limited time I currently have.. I decided to do it a bit simple and create a blogspot which ofcourse I can edit! So enjoy this dummy and lets hope I can make a good looking weblog for my stay in China!
Lets try to add a picture and see how that will turn up.
Hoi maatje, na ons afscheid op Düsseldorf Airport (we hebben de 26ste 730 km gereden) zijn we natuurlijk heel benieuwd naar de ervaringen tijdens jullie reis. Dat jullie niet wisten dat Beijing hetzelfde is als Peking is natuurlijk een futiliteit. Overstappen in Frankfurt en Beijing gelukt? Laat het even weten.
Groetjes, Jeannette en Hendrik
Hoi Frank,
Here a message from NZ. Your weblog is going around the world already! We wish you all the best and heaps of fun, it will be an experience you will never forget. I want to compliment you on your English. Take care and we look forward to following your experiences. Cheers,
Harald and Connie
(translation of the Kiwi slang you find in the message above:
heaps = a lot; cheers = groetjes)
Omg wat hoor ik nou? Jullie wisten niet dat Penking hetzelfde is als Peking? Sigh!
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